Sunday, April 4, 2010

Busy, busy, week.

I can't believe it has been 12 days since we last talked. Someone needed to #SLAP# me. How RUDE that I haven't been on the computer. Just know, I not only neglected you, I also didn't check into
ravelry, I didn't chat with Lisa, only checked email once a day, and I played NO games on Facebook. So what was I doing, you ask? TONS !!!!!!!!!!

Of course the days were filled with the 5 grandkids and the 4 dogs, all who had spring fever. Our temperatures reached 82 degrees on Thursday. We broke a record. I am sure most of you would love these warm days. I, however, am not ready for this weather yet. Until school is out, I can't juggle breakfast, which is ALWAYS "dip dip" eggs and toast, feeding Nolan his bottles, putting him down for his morning nap and still take the kids out before Luiza has to get ready for kindergarten. SO..............I am ready for winter to come back. It is just easier. Oh, all of you, stopping your yelling!!! Just cuz' I want it, doesn't mean it is going to happen.

I have had a very busy 12 days. A week ago Saturday my cousin, Marilyn, and I went to Detroit's famous Eastern Market on Saturday. The flowers are starting to come in. Tulips and pansies were everywhere. I bought the best olive herb bread, ginger tea, vegan mushroom barley soup, fresh farm eggs, and produce, of course. I feel so fortunate that I live close to 2 huge farmer's markets. Now that the local farmers crops are starting to come in, we will be heading down every Saturday.

Last Sunday, Sarah (daughter) Luiza (granddaughter) and I went to the DIA ( Detroit Institute of Art). What fun. I hadn't been in years. I love all that Detroit has to offer. You just have to take advantage of it. ANYWAY, the museum has been renovated since the last time I was there. It was wonderful. Take a look, but don't touch!

I love this mosaic fish.

This is my favorite painting in the museum. I am so mad we didn't get a great photo of it.

Creepy eyes,

but look at THIS!

These shoes are in the wall with vellum over the hole. I would love to do something like this in
my house with my favorite Tracy Gallup dolls.

This is the only object in the museum you are allowed to touch.

After a great weekend, I spent the week knitting 4 more squares for the Baby's Texture Blanket, 2 each of the Twist Stitch square and the Smocking square. I am currently working on the Stockinette Stitch square. 18 down, 5 to go.

I made a Catnip Bunny for Murphy Brown, Lisa's BIG KITTY. For those of you who remember, Murphy is the cat that fell in love with my New Sock Monkey toy, Project #4, which is still OTN. For those of you who have cats, this was a super easy / fast toy to make. You can find it on a great blog, Coffee and Cream 2010.

Last, but not least, I made 8 articles of clothing for Ella and Mia's (granddaughters) American Girl dolls and a skirt for me. I swore I was done sewing, but, I DESPERATELY needed something to wear to church. Of course you can never tell the granddaughters you won't sew for their dolls.

Today, great day. As usual, wonderful church service. Marilyn had everyone over for Easter dinner. Fantastic. She made the most delicious parmesan crusted dinner rolls. It was so funny, after we finished our dessert, fresh strawberry shortcakes, EVERYONE ate more rolls. Then, we retired to the family room and bowled, played tennis, golfed, and played some baseball. I am addicted to Wii. Wonderful day with family.

Happy Easter.


Sasa said...

WOW - I guess I can forgive you for ignoring me all week! (BTW - I would have *slapped* you if I could have gotten a hold of you!!!). Murphy will absolutely LOVE his bunny - it is SOOOOOO cute. Thank you for thinking of him . . . .

Sasa said...

OK Sweet Girl . . . I think you should post a pic of Murphy with Bernie . . . . show everyone how in love Murphy is . . . .